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Detecting the Unexpected

Reimagining medical image diagnostics

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Checking X-Rays

A Growing Crisis

While hospitals generate hundreds of millions of digital images per year, the number of images created far outpaces the number of radiologists to interpret them. In consequence, missed and erroneous diagnoses severely diminish the quality of healthcare. There has been a fast-paced adoption of diagnostic imaging which has led to a more than 10-fold surge in image processing. Under the duress of the heavy workload, radiologists suffer from burnout and fatigue, increasing the risk of errors. It has been estimated that 40 million diagnostic errors occur worldwide. In the United States alone, diagnostic error can result in 10% of deaths, 17% adverse hospital events, $17-29 billion in wasteful spending, and 75% of malpractice lawsuits.

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The Company Mission

Solving the Where's Waldo of Medical Imaging

ImageRx is a biomedical software company that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to unlock the wealth of knowledge confined within terabytes of medical images for rare disease discovery and characterization. Our mission is to provide radiologists with data driven insights while preserving patient confidentiality through blockchain based privacy protected data sharing.

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Doctor Analyzing X-Rays

"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." - Robertson Davies


ImageRx provides a second set of eyes for radiologists studying terabytes of medical images. Our AI is optimized to detect and characterize a whole host of diseases, ones which radiologists may not be searching for themselves.

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